Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day!


     Snow days to most students means sledding, hot cocoa, and most importantly, no school work. However, I feel like I am an adult trapped in a 17 year old's body because {most} of those things are the furthest from my mind at the moment. I feel like I have more to do on these days off!
     When I have all of this time off, it gives my mind wayyy to much time to wonder. I think about the stuff I don't really care to remember. I think about what stresses me out, what freaks me out, and everything else that likes to run through my mind at the worst possible times {as I'm trying to fall asleep for instance}.
     However, I am not, let me repeat not, going to do that to myself today. I am always so worried about every little thing. So today, this post is to remind myself to get the important things done without stressing and most importantly to r e l a x.  It may seem impossible but it's my goal for this snowy Tuesday afternoon. So rather than stressing about  everything going on in my life right now, I am going to take a nice hot shower, sing at the top of my lungs when no one is home, and have some carefree audition-practice time.
     So I challenge you today not to let all of this free time cloud your mind with stressful and negative thoughts, but to enjoy it!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Overwhelm Me

     Let me be frank right now, I completely freak out don't really handle stress well. Dealing with friends {and non-friends}, family {gotta love them}, school {what classes I decided to take this year anyways}, college decisions {yikes}, appearance {ugh}, being a good Christian {so much harder than it may seem sometimes}, everything else that comes hand in hand with being a teenage girl quite honestly makes my head feel like it's going to explode. 
     And to be honest again, I haven't been necessarily been dealing with the many joys of my life {haha..} in the best ways. I have taken it out on others, taken it out on myself, and then just flat out resorted to closing myself off from whatever, and whoever, I could.
    Obviously, that is not the most sufficient way of dealing with life. Well thanks to a very kind and loving youth leader, I have just recently gotten a teen devotional book called Falling Apart: 100 Days of Getting It Together. I am only on Day 2, but I have already been able to see that the way I've been acting is not the right way. 
     Rather than letting all of the many things going on in life become overwhelming, I need to let God overwhelm me. What an epiphany right?! I have many of those as I'm laying in bed not sleeping, {I'm basically an insomniac now, go figure!} but this has by far been the most helpful to me. One of the quotes given in the book says that God didn't promise us molehills, but mountains! He is capable of what seems impossible, even helping me keep my cool when I want to flip! 
    So this is just a reminder for all of my lovely readers {because I have sooo many of those} not to let the stress of life get to you. No, we'll never be perfect enough to keep our cool all the time, but life is much, much more enjoyable when we can just put our trust into the One who is capable of handling it all with an eternal amount of grace. So, rather than letting the world be so overwhelming, I am just going to let the love of someone Who will never give up on me, overwhelm me. <3

*If anyone is interested in this devotional book and it's tips, well, in 98 days you are more than welcome to borrow it!