So wouldn't you then think that it would take me an even longer time to kick my habits? It turns out that that is right and wrong. The silliest habits I have, I can't stop doing for the life of me. Take my night time routine for example. Before I can even think about going to sleep, my closet doors have to be completely shut, ALL lights off or covered (like the little light on my TV monitor for example..), ALL sound stopped (especially repetitive or rhythmic noises) and chapstick and lotion on. And that is only my pre-sleep routine! [It's border-line ridiculous, but hey, I've got to do what I've got to do.] I have been doing that same routine for years and I have absolutely no idea as to how that got started. I try so hard to gradually ween myself out of it, but my instincts kick in and it's a lost cause.
Then there are the habits that I [attempt] to keep because it wouldn't hurt to do so or because someone else wants me to do it. For example, running. I used to run at least a mile every single day depsite how much I truly detested it. Do I do that now? Heck no. I hate running and find zero joy in doing so. It's not like it's the exercise aspect of it though because trust me, I can Zumba my booty off for hours and hours and have no problem with doing so. I just have no desire to run in circles on a track, in a cul-de-sac, or around a neighborhood while people watch how slow my short, little legs move. It's boring, embarassing and I do not want to do it. So was that a hard habit to start? Well duh. But was it an easy one to put a stop to? Extremely!
But then there are the habits that I so desperately need to keep with, but it becomes just oh-so easy to push it aside when convenient. This example also has to do with my night-time routine. In the last couple of years, I have began to read my Bible frequently. It all started because a speaker at Winter Retreat challenged us to read our Bibles every day. So of course, I accepted the challenge and it worked! For a while anyways.. Every single night before I went to bed I made sure to read at least one chapter and take notes about what I had read. [If I don't write it down, I lose focus. Big time. Anyways...] I did so well! For a few months...But I got busy, and that precious time spent with my Lord and Savior got pushed aside instantly. Then the Summer rolled around, and a speaker at Church camp challenged us to read our Bibles everyday for 30 days in order to start an incredible habit. [Coincidence?? Nah. I have camp on the brain.] So I did the same thing. Did well, then got busy. I have done that same pattern of behavior FOUR TIMES since that first Winter Retreat experience. However, I have started this process over again. But this time, it will be the LAST time.
Yes, we are creatures of habit. But it also takes self-control and awareness to start a healthy and rewarding life-long habit. So while this blog post was mostly to remind me of what I must keep with, it is also for any and everyone reading this. Despite the fact that that's not exactly a huge number, I'm hoping it will be at least relevant for one person reading this crazy thought process of mine. So I encourage you to take a look at your life at this moment in time and become aware of the habits that you either have and need to kick (anything unhealthy for your physically, mentally, or spiritually), or the habits that you know you need to keep a constant. All it takes is a little faith [in both ourselves and our Creator who gives us all of the support we could hope for] and you'll be amazed at the difference you will see.
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